Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Draw a Picture project

My awesome kickass anime eye!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Leaning in,
Expecting dizzyness,
My hearts fluttering like a million fireflies
by looking into your eyes
and feeling confidently happy without doubt
I love you and I'm amazed I'm saying it
but tis true because your such an amazing you
and I'm always loving your love
I hope you accept mine
always and forever
even though this is only the beginning's heart's intwined

FIND MY BETTER POEMS at the link on the subject or here>


I'm aware that the title is spelt wrong and no I did not draw this I just colored it to make it less dull and more excitingly vivid literally. <3~cat>

Monday, April 26, 2010

Girl Trace

Before and After. The trace wasn't colored so one could see the lines more clearly.

Wing Trace #2

Before and After from the wings from the game Aion.

Wing Trace #1

Before and after.~the before is photoshopped by myself also.

Rose Trace

Before and after.

Heart Grenade Trace!~American Idiot

Before and After.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My City~ Gothame

This is the city I made on Bryce. It's called Gothame( not Gotham) because everything is like how it is on extreme hallucinogens- distorted and like a horror movie. The gases in the air are filled with "angel dust" that was originally flooded through the pipelines until the pipelines busted open in a freak earthquake. Now all that's left is a whole bunch of confused people laughing at everything they are afraid of to try and get used to their daily lives that are slightly different- everyone still has their daily agendas that are occasionally interrupted by other people that haven't quite gotten used to their daily lives in a "new" city.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

£ Rubber Duckah!♣

HAPPY FREAGIN' ST. PATTIE'S DAY!!!!!!!♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ Oh, and this is my rubber duckah I call him Pablo.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Land Canyon

Yea, that's right. Land Canyon, similar to the Grand Canyon but it's not the Grand Canyon it's just another gawd damn cover-up for a government conspiracy like Mount Rushmore..well at least according to the National Treasure movie....

Strawberry hills forever Forest~♥+♣+☺

Whoot! Check out my awesome forest with red branches on the trees and strawberry hills forever♫☼

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Φ~◘My Alien Land Vehicle◘~Φ

My Land Vehicle for the alien planet of V¡ltr¡n. This is a planet that differentiates in atmosphere so much that it goes from gas to solid rock every so human decades-which is hours on their planet. It has thrusters that are filled with a similar mixture to what we would define as rocket fuel which enables it to have enough thrust to have enough potential to be a land, air, and water vehicle because of its light compact
wheels that are made from a mixture of an unknown metal similar to uranium and a fire-proof type of rubber. It can reach up to speeds of 3,000 mph because of the thin atmosphere and smooth texture of V¡ltr¡n. And yes I am aware of its awesomeness.

♣The Elemental Grail of Suprise~~▼

My wicked cup of elemental suprah! Not much to say here except for the fact that the program I used was indeed Rhinoceros 4.0 and that I have no clue how I got this ability to make a cup this awesome. But I'll give the credit to my computer teacher Mr.Griffith anyways(just kidding he actually did a good job teaching it).

Monday, March 8, 2010

Spaceshiper thingy mabober..

Or is it? sorry I'm still in the weird questiony mood from my last post. So anyways. This is my spaceship all of the spikes except for the ones on the main body(sphere) are thrusters to control the speed and direction of the ship, the green ball in the middle is the core(power source),the spikes on the sphere are lasers and tractor beams for all your kidnapping needs as an alien(well atleast to me considering I'm not human..or am I?), and the balls near the thrusters are where you insert the fuel-which is made from nitric oxide(klingon piss). Bidding starting at 2% of a penny.

Underwater V-hic-el

My blue checkered submarine with a tracker device and spike torpedos made from weapon x's own adamantium!Not really it's just cheap foil made to look shiny with photoshop....jk?The world may never know how much pondering it takes to get to the center of a lie-bot. Or will they?...No they won't.Dofus....or are you?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Nicky O's

Whoot Nicky O's created by Nicky(really me I'm speaking story-line wise) who doesn't know what refer is so it kind of worries me about the greeness of the cereal...

~Fallen Magazine Cover~

Monday, February 22, 2010

repaired picture

before and after of a damaged picture


Not much work was needed for the gondala but it does look nicer then it used to the hue of the striped blanket was improved and the boat in the background was taken out ect.

Whipped Galaxy

Ok so the blue planet with the white rings and white atmosphere is 50% whipped cream and 50% blueberry jello( it's amazing the meteorites havent messed it up but since its jello they go right through).The orange one that looks like it has veins is for Roxie because it theory it reimnds me of her hair color. And the dark one is for parnell and his dark atmosphere, the orange is levels of volcanoes- its like zombieland so parnell has plenty of video game based fun.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Desert river valley

My river valley done on Bryce.

Serpent Island

This is Serpent island and although the atmosphere is beautiful it is extremely toxic and infested with carbon dioxide and neon which gives it it's beautiful colors. All species and races are welcome! Be sure not to bring a gas mask and we will give you free cake. :D

Friday, January 22, 2010

Trick of the eye

Oh no Lara fell and blew her cover.

Replace Color

I just decided to make it a little more christmas-like. ^.^

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Frankenstien project

My first "frankenstein" project(original on right) where as the left image shows my finished edit and the smaller pictures on that picture show who's mouth(top small picture on left) I used and who's eyes I used(bottom small picture on left)

1st colorized image


My 1st colorized black and white picture, done on Adobe Photoshop, with a few of my own added extras. =^,..,^=

My first collage done on Adobe Photoshop, whoot!